
    Develor Azərbaycan,
    Base Business Plaza (4-cü mərtəbə),
    Həsən Abdullayev küç 11, AZ1025.

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    Bizə müraciət edin    
    • Attitude & Mindset
    • Leadership & Management
    • Customer Care, Sales & Negotiations
    • Personal Productivity & Communication
    • Teambuilding & Collaboration
    • Assesment & Diagnostics
    • HR Consulting & Coaching
    • Xidmətlər
    Classroom Training

    Digital mindset

    Classroom Training

    Safety awareness

    Classroom Training

    Growth mindset

    Classroom Training

    Leadership for safety

    Classroom Training

    Lumina Spark Training

    Game-based Training

    Onboarding games

    Classroom Training

    Work-Life balance

    Classroom Training

    Interview techniques

    Xidmətlər & Həllər-də tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün xidmətləri axtar

    Mənbələrdə tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün mənbələri araşdır

    The success and popularity of the Safety Awareness and Safety Leadership courses is the immediate effect of the programs on the Safety KPI’s. As of more and more companies, especially in the industrial, construction business and energy segments realize the extreme importance of safety, the need for impactful solutions is constantly rising. At the current practice in most cases safety education is accepted to be a boring with low-effeciency, however it is enforeced legally, therefore the lecture must be executed on yearly bases. The Develor programs are breaking this old paradigms, focusing on the attitude, having loud success amongst participants with tangible results. The portfolio of 6 different types of programs is launched in all countries Develor is operating in. If you want to learn more, click here!




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