The newly designed Professional Task and Time Management course is now available in all Develor countries. The program is based on a brand new approach and cut itself adrift from the so called classical time management training messages.
Will this program change your life? “Not exactly, but it brings you the chance and definitely enables you to change your life. With the implementation of the principles and techniques, your life will be significantly less stressed, more efficient and at the same time you will be more creative.” – added Katalin Balázs, Courseware Designer, the leader of the development process.
The program is designed for the turbulent world we live in, with hundreds of inputs daily via various channels, with lots of distractions working in an amorphous job where the tasks and responsibilities are not precisely defined. The “4 golden principles” the training starts with bring a good basis for a less procrastinating attitude and work method, whilst the acquired techniques increase personal efficiency a lot. The program also includes some elements of the Getting Things Done methodology with a twist, to make it easy-to-use and easy-to-implement. The training program is two-day-long for Managers, and takes one day as a Basic version, and additionally the implementation of this new approach and the whole process can be smoothed and boosted greatly by individual coaching support.
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