
    Develor Azərbaycan,
    Base Business Plaza (4-cü mərtəbə),
    Həsən Abdullayev küç 11, AZ1025.

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    Bizə müraciət edin    
    • Attitude & Mindset
    • Leadership & Management
    • Customer Care, Sales & Negotiations
    • Personal Productivity & Communication
    • Teambuilding & Collaboration
    • Assesment & Diagnostics
    • HR Consulting & Coaching
    • Xidmətlər
    Classroom Training

    Lumina Spark Training

    Game-based Training

    Onboarding games

    Classroom Training

    Work-Life balance

    Classroom Training

    Interview techniques

    Xidmətlər & Həllər-də tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün xidmətləri axtar

    Mənbələrdə tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün mənbələri araşdır

    Kimin üçün

    • Sales and Purchasing People
    • Managers ans subordinates who deal with internal/external clients

    Neçə nəfər?

    8 - 12

    Nə qədər müddət davam edəcək

    2 days

    Sales and CX
    • Virtual Training
    • Classroom Training

    The objective of the training is to support participants in the successful execution of their negotiation strategy in negotiation situations through learning and practicing the relevant skill-set.

    The training guides the participants through the steps of the negotiation process and teaches techniques of leading the conversation, building trust and influencing and persuasion.

    It puts a high emphasis on types and techniques of questioning, as well as on executing Negotiation Plan by converting dimensions.

    Negotiation - Master the process

    Participant also learn how to get to an agreement and close the negotiation, and moreover, how to review the negotiation and summarize the learnings as the key for future development.

    This practice-heavy training is then closed by comprehensive case studies and tailor-made situational exercises, during which the participants can immediately test and practice what they have learned.

    Course objectives

    • consciously apply negotiation concepts
    • design & execute their negotiation strategy
    • follow the negotiation process
    • demonstrate 6 of the 7 negotiation competencies
    • be prepared 100% for their next real negotiation


    • review of the Negotiation Strategy Building course
    • THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS SKILLS related to the steps of the process:
      • conscious communication
      • building trust at the beginning of the negotiation Influencing & persuasion
      • questioning techniques
      • understanding and converting dimensions
      • getting to an agreement and closing
      • reviewing the negotiation
      • introduction to Keep Calm & Use Tact competence
      • complex situational exercises

    Looking for help with Negotiation – Master the process ?

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