
    Develor Azərbaycan,
    Base Business Plaza (4-cü mərtəbə),
    Həsən Abdullayev küç 11, AZ1025.

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    • Attitude & Mindset
    • Leadership & Management
    • Customer Care, Sales & Negotiations
    • Personal Productivity & Communication
    • Teambuilding & Collaboration
    • Assesment & Diagnostics
    • HR Consulting & Coaching
    • Xidmətlər
    Classroom Training

    Lumina Spark Training

    Game-based Training

    Onboarding games

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    Work-Life balance

    Classroom Training

    Interview techniques

    Xidmətlər & Həllər-də tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün xidmətləri axtar

    Mənbələrdə tapıldı

    • Axtarış etmək üçün ən azı 3 sumvol daxil edin.
    Bütün mənbələri araşdır

    Kimin üçün

    • Low level managers
    • Middle managers
    • Talents and leaders right after promotion

    Neçə nəfər?

    8 - 12

    Nə qədər müddət davam edəcək

    2 days

    • Virtual Training
    • Classroom Training

    The most important task of a leader is to inspire and motivate his/her employees and make them successful, so called responsibility in the “leadership mission”. Management needs such knowledge which cannot be fully learnt at school. The end result does not depend only on us: each person needs different treatment and brings a different atmosphere to the team. Our work as a leader can only be successful if the others want the same and they also want to achieve success.

    The programme concentrates on fundamental knowledge and competencies required for managing people. Beyond exploring and practicing the various leadership situations and effective approaches to them, participants will be familiarized with the traditional as well as the latest methods of motivation.

    Essence of leadershipTHE PROGRAMME starts with making company managers aware of the direct impact of individual performance on company’s output and it presents how they should influence these elements. The situational leadership model, which serves as the major element of the course, is built on the employee life-cycle model of Develor. It reveals which element of the situational leadership model is the most effective in certain stages of the lifecycle with the help of company’s specific case studies and exercises.

    Course objectives

    • understand their role and impact as managers on the elements of individual performance
    • recognize the leadership style that meets the motivational and competence level of team members
    • consciously select and apply the appropriate leadership style considering the task and the level of motivation and competence of team members
    • develop the competences of team members
    • recognize motivation problems and motivate team members by various means
    • provide development feedback and managerial coaching in a proper way


    • interpretation of a managerial role from different leadership aspects
    • components of individual performance, and the influence of the manager on these elements
    • explanation and dimensions of the situational leadership model
    • principles and application of different leadership styles
    • employee life-cycle model of Develor, managerial tasks in each phase
    • the traditional and latest motivational methods and their practical, tailor-made application
    • managerial feedback: the principles and process of giving developmental feedback


    Looking for help with Essence of leadership ?

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